Are you not feeling good? Have you lost your bearings? Are you having trouble seeing things clearly? Don’t stand alone. Many resources can help you, including the Centre de prévention du suicide de Québec, a healthcare professional, your local community service centre or your Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
It may seem hard to ask for help, but it shows your strength when you do so. The simple fact that you are questioning yourself is probably a good reason to call us.
We can listen to you to understand your situation and find ways to lessen the pain.
If you are reluctant to pick up the phone and call us, you can ask someone close to you to make the first contact along with you.
The Bereaved
Losing someone close to you to suicide hurts. Several services are available to you based on your needs and situation, such as telephone interventions or individual meetings. You can also join a group of grieving individuals. In addition to meeting with helping relationship professionals, you will be able to talk with other people who are experiencing a similar situation.
Help yourself. Call us.
If someone close to you talks about suicide directly or indirectly,call us right away at 1-866-APPELLE (1 866 277-3553).
The best way to help loved ones is to convince them to seek the professional help they need. This assistance may come from the Centre de prévention du suicide de Québec, a health professional, a local community service centre, an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) or another resource available in the community. Contact us so we can help you identify these resources.
Some Signs of Mental Distress
People who are going through some hard times in their lives, which are sometimes related to one or more specific events (e.g. a breakup, grieving, financial problems, work problems, etc.), show certain signs of mental distress that can be detected by those around them:
- Impatience, social isolation, increased alcohol or drug consumption, fatigue and loss of interest may be warning signs that need to be taken seriously;
- Certain socially valued behaviours, particularly in men, such as excessive investment in work, sports or leisure activities, may also be warning signs.
If these signs have already been present for a few weeks, it is important to direct the person to a help resource.
Approaching Someone You Are Worried About
Here are some tips on how to approach someone showing signs of distress. It can help when you listen, but remember that you are not alone. Our team of professionals can guide and assist you: call us.
- Establish a bond of trust. Don’t be judgmental. Encourage the person to talk about his or her concerns. Listen more than you speak.
- Ask the person if he or she is thinking about suicide. Sometimes the simple fact of directly asking the person the question can be very liberating for him or her and will eventually lead to potential solutions for getting the necessary help. If the person is thinking about suicide, you can tell him or her that this is not commonplace, and it worries you. You can suggest that the person call us, or you can also call us for him or her (with or without the individual in question). If the person is not thinking about suicide, but you are still worried, talk to him or her about our services.Invite him or her to join us..
- Do not forget to respect yourself in the help process: be available, but stay within your possibilities and limits when dealing with the suicidal person.
- Remember that you are not responsible for his or her actions. Inform the individual that he or she can call the CPSQ at any time just as you can.
A client
Please note that specific trainings are addressed to practitioners.
Whether you are a direct caregiver (nurse, psychologist, social worker, etc.) or a resource person (teacher, coach, scoutmaster or hairdresser), your role or your profession makes you likely to be in contact with people experiencing mental distress. To be better equipped and able to help, become a Sentinel.
If you are a helping relationship practitioner, you should be aware that anyone who is seeking assistance for psychological and/or physical issues should be asked about whether they are having suicidal thoughts.
Call us to be equipped, supported and guided. Our telephone intervention service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can fill in when you cannot be available. Let’s team up.