

Et moi? Comment ça va?

Corporate Program

The Et moi ? Comment ça va? program aims to make each individual aware of indicators related to his or her mental health. It seeks to make them reflect and take concrete actions to take care of themselves.

The program is implemented in the À courts d’outils program. It is intended primarily but not exclusively for men aged 35 to 65. This segment of the population is very strongly represented in cases of death by suicide and is known to ask for less help or ask for it later.

Having good mental health, asking for help and knowing how to find solutions when things are not going so well are protective factors against suicide. The program Et moi ? Comment ça va ? aims to take preventative actions before a suicidal crisis occurs.

The toolbox analogy is used because of its universality. Regardless of whether we are handy or not, we all have a few tools at home. We understand what it means to use the right tools for the right problems and the usefulness of acquiring new ones and asking for help in certain situations.

From this perspective, the program provides self-assessment, decision-making support and implementation tools for the maintenance and improvement of mental health.

Program Objectives :

  • Raising public awareness about the importance of taking care of one’s mental health;
  • Informing the public about the indicators of good and poor mental health;
  • Spreading knowledge about adaptive responses to distress (resources and healthy behaviours).

Companies that have put the program in place :

(list forthcoming)

To put Et moi, comment ça va? program in place in your company, contact the training department at 418-683-0933 #246.

Les amis de Zippy

Program for primary schools

Les amis de Zippy is an innovative, universal program promoting mental health in schools. The central idea of the program is to intervene early in the lives of children to equip them by developing a broader repertoire of coping mechanisms and social skills that will help them better handle the difficulties they will encounter in everyday life as well as during adolescence and adulthood.

The program is designed for lower primary school students. It has six (6) modules with four (4) sessions per module that portray the daily problems and challenges experienced by young people. They then participate in games, drawings, crafts and discussions.

Establishing the program has proven to be highly positive. The children who participated show the following :

  • A significant improvement in their coping and social skills (cooperation, autonomy, self-control, empathy, etc.) ;
  • A decrease in certain problematic behaviours (stress, aggressiveness, impulsiveness, etc.)

Research shows that social-emotional learning is closely linked to improving educational achievement and classroom atmosphere, and that it is often linked to a decrease in school violence.

The program covers topics relevant to schools, including bullying, friendship and conflict resolution.

This program :

  • is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) ;
  • is established in over 30 countries around the world ;
  • has reached more than 1.3 million children to date.

For more information, contact the training department at 418-683-0933 #246.

Link to website :

Semblables et différents

Program for high schools

Semblables et différents is a campaign to valorize difference initiated by the Centre de prévention du suicide de Québec. This campaign seeks to raise awareness among young people between the ages of 12 and 17 as well as loved ones, parents, teachers and practitioners to fight the problems of discrimination and stigmatization of “different” young people. The goal is to reduce distress among young people by demystification, valorization and mobilizing key players. Semblables et différents celebrates difference so that it is seen as the strength that it truly is.

Arising from this campaign, the Semblables et différents workshop is available. Lasting 60 to 75 minutes and intended for young people aged 12 to 17, the objective is to demonstrate the strength that can be drawn from difference. We therefore aim to do the following :

  • Inform young people about various issues related to being open to difference ;
  • Increase young people’s depth of thought about the topic ;
  • Inculcate a positive perception that valorizes difference.

This workshop can be led on your premises free of charge by a practitioner from the Centre de prévention du suicide de Québec. For more information, contact the training department at 418-683-0933 #246.



