The Centre de prévention du suicide de Québec has initiated many programs, awareness-raising campaigns and trainings in suicide prevention. The various actions our organization has undertaken aim to create a safety net throughout the greater Capitale-Nationale region.
All the services listed below are available free of charge.
Telephone interventions 7 days a week, 24 hours a day
The telephone service is available to suicidal persons, concerned relatives of suicidal persons who need to be guided and assisted, suicide-bereaved persons and professional practitioners needing support in their interventions.
Telephone Follow-Up
Any person or professional may authorize the CPSQ to contact a person they are concerned about. An assessment of the level of urgency will be made during the call.
In-Person Emergency Meetings
This type of meeting can be offered after an initial phone call if it is deemed necessary. This meeting takes place on the premises of the CPSQ.
Clinical Follow-Up
This approach can be offered to suicidal or bereaved clients. Following a needs assessment meeting, a clinical follow-up can be provided on the premises of the CPSQ.
SILAR/integrated liaison, support and recovery service
SILAR is an evaluation, intervention, guidance and support service for people who have come to a hospital after an attempted suicide or struggling with suicidal thoughts. Thanks to the collaboration of the hospitals in the Québec City area, these people are referred to the CPSQ with whom they will be offered eight to ten follow-up meetings.
Referrals are made by our partners:
- Le CCQ
- Hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus
- Hôpital du St-Sacrement
- Hôpital St-François d’Assise
- Hôtel-Dieu de Québec
- Jeffery Hale
All the services listed below are available free of charge.
Postvention refers to activities aimed at the treatment and recovery of persons who have been affected by the suicide of someone close to them. The goal of the activities carried out by the Centre de prévention du suicide de Québec is to reduce the short- and long-term negative effects of suicide (termed “postvention” in a document).
Intervention Following a Suicide in the Environment
When a suicide occurs, it is important to intervene quickly on-site to provide support to people affected by the event to minimize the impact of stress, crisis and bereavement responses. We offer individual and group meetings for families, workplaces and school environments.
Support for the Bereaved
Suicide-bereaved persons may benefit from telephone intervention services or individual meetings. It is important to break the silence and talk about difficult experiences.
Support Group for Suicide-Bereaved Adults
The group provides support spread over eight meetings in small groups of five (5) to eight (8) people. An individual pre-group assessment meeting must take place. Joining a group for bereaved people enables meeting helping relationship professionals and other people who are going through hard times.
Support Group for Suicide-Bereaved Children Aged Six to Twelve
These group sessions are facilitated by practitioners with specialized training for children aged six to twelve who are going through a recent or past bereavement. Children can develop their coping skills. The support group will guide them in their journey.
Support Group for Suicide-Bereaved Adolescents Aged Thirteen to Eighteen
These group sessions for adolescents aged thirteen to eighteen who are going through a recent or past bereavement are facilitated by practitioners with specialized training. The group promotes communication within the family, breaks through isolation and gives hope.